So, I haven’t posted a blog for a while.
Safe to say, 2024 didn’t start as we had planned. We lost our Mum at the start of February very suddenly, and too be frank, the fallout lasted until after Easter. We spent the six weeks in a desert waiting to be able to lay her to rest. And, at a time of what is supposed to be new beginnings, we were contemplating life lost.
But it happens every day, to you and me and the rest of the world. I was sad and shocked, I was trying to comfort others while needing peace myself. I was not sure what I was doing each day, not really all there. Strange how all the normal stresses of living are suddenly put far down the list of anxious thoughts, or in fact disappear completely.
But, we move don’t we. This life isn’t a static picture. Life rolls on and on and we either shut up in a barrel and roll down the hill, or we climb the rolling hill and try to ascend the never nearer summit. It’s really up to us and our psyche.
We opened the Float Centre because we had been training our minds to relax, we had experienced the healing of pain in these sessions, and we wanted everyone else to have that experience too. So that’s what I’ve done. Whether in my mind away from the centre, or in the tank itself. I have floated above the negative energy on warm waters.
Thank you as ever for all your support as we grow our Float family, everyone who floats with us gives us such positive feedback. And a particular massive bunch of gratitude to our fantastic team of Laura, Claudia and Niamh...I know I couldn't have got through this period without them. You are amazing.