The thing about floating is, you feel the benefits way beyond your float.
The spine straightens out; free from the forces of gravity your posture is corrected.
Your skin is cleaned all over in the warming salts and shines for days.
The cells in your body are dilated by the float tank water and suddenly blood pressure drops and inflammation reduces. This can bring relief for long periods when you make floating a part of your wellness programme.
The muscles recover from strains as the Epsom Salts and relaxing water revive them like a gentle wrap. Floating is a a fantastic complementary health and wellness add on to massage and physiotherapy. But perhaps best of all.....
Floating is the Opposite of life today, the opposite of smart phones, the internet, social media, 24/7 news, planes, trains and automobiles, pharmaceutical medicines, stress, restless sleep, intoxication and everything everywhere all at once.
The value of these benefits to your well-being cannot be underestimated. You only live once, let this technology today bring you the peace and relaxation you deserve. Because you really do deserve it.
The Float Team